Our vision


is to passionately pursue the calling of Christ to: Love God. Love People. Change Lives.

Our Mission

is to encourage growth in our relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord through worship, discipleship, and service.

Our Calling


We believe God is calling our church to become internally robust and externally engaged.

We understand that such a missional church is committed to actively participating in God’s mission in the world, starting with our own circles of relationships.

We strive to actualize the high calling of every Christian disciple:

to embody the incarnational love of Christ in our daily lives.

Therefore, we envision a church that is welcoming and family-friendly, biblical and Christ-centered, vibrant and active, engaging and relevant, multigenerational and multiethnic, serving people and impacting our community.

As disciples of Jesus, we are being sent by Him to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

“As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”

- Jesus (John 20:21)

Our Staff

Anissa Huffman
Childrens Ministry Coordinator

Matt Bechtel
Church Administrator

Julie Gildow

Our Session Elders

Clerk of Session - Marcia Fouraker

Amy Pimper Norma Gier
Lloyd Schulz

Cheryl Ferguson
Will Minich

Kate Connick
Nina Cunningham

Carol Marshall

Community Outreach & Missions
Marcia Fouraker
Teri Bliven Doug Sheppard

Building & Property
Dixie Sorensen
Tia Mentzer

Mollie Brown
Roy Lindokken

Board of Deacons

Mary Lou Carlson

Wyatt Connick

John Ferguson

Carolyn Nelson

Linda Williams

Brittny Gier

Joyce Hain

Nancy Hass

Kathy Allender

Avis Andrews

Tim Wacker


Contact Us


520 West Linden Ave., Fremont, NE 68025


(402) 721-7904


(402) 753-1159

Office hours

  • M-F 9am-4pm

  • Closed holidays

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